The world is full of negative energy. Most people are constantly in a state of fear, doubt, scarcity, lack, uncertainty, etc. And, whether you like it or not, the mass mind (consciousness) affects you. Therefore, always keeping your energy clean is essential – and what better way to do this than an auric clearing.

Whenever a client comes to see me, I almost always recommend an auric clearing. The reason for this is simple. Auric attachments and negative energy impact our ability to manifest, meditate, and live with meaning.

Furthermore, it limits your personal and spiritual growth. Therefore, shifting negative energy out of your life is crucial.

“Everything is energy and energy can be transformed.”

-Raymon Grace

It’s important to strengthen your aura because no matter where you’re at in life, there’s always people, places, events and energies influencing your reality. That is, until you know how to heal your aura

An auric clearing is, in my opinion, one of the most effective ways to transform negative energy into positive energy. When it’s performed correctly, you can instantly remove auric attachments – such as bindings, pacts, vows, curses, demons, discarnates, entities and other energetic blockages

Keep in mind, an auric clearing isn’t a one and done type of thing. Just like a shower or bath, it’s something you must do consistently to maintain top physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

By not regularly clearing your auric field, you’re exposed to all kinds of negative possibilities. Let’s explore this further …

Auric Clearing – What Happens When You Don’t Regularly Do It

Plain and simple, when you don’t regularly receive an auric clearing, you’re more likely to attract auric attachments into your life. This will lead to bad influences, thoughts and decisions. Furthermore, it’ll limit your growth, potential and cause more challenges.

“You attract what you are, not what you want.” 

The more negative energy and auric attachments you have, the lower your frequency will be. When you emit a low vibration, the universe will respond accordingly. Therefore, regularly clearing your aura is essential.

The consequences of not clearing your aura:

You …

  • Attract more auric attachments and energetic blockages
  • Often feel lethargic, drained, bored, unmotivated, anxious, stressed, etc.
  • Are more likely to experience financial losses and challenges
  • Find it hard to connect with Source and your intuition
  • Are likely to attract toxic relationships and people into your life
  • Have trouble gaining clarity, focus and peace of mind
  • Are likely to experience physical challenges such as illnesses, soreness, breathing problems, migraines, etc.
  • Struggle to find meaning and purpose in your life
  • Find it hard to manifest the things you desire
  • Etc.

Yes, this is how serious auric attachments and negative energy can be. By not clearing them from your auric field, your thoughts will slowly become more self-sabotaging. In turn, those thoughts WILL become your reality.

“Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you can change your life.”

– Brian Tracy

Being able to control your thoughts is crucial once you clear your aura. It’s not made up because even scientists and quantum physics have proven this to be true. Continue reading …

Science And Quantum Physics Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality … This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

– Albert Einstein

Case #1 – Dr. Ted Kaptchuk

Let’s have a look at a study (conducted by Harvard Medical School teacher, Dr. Ted Kaptchuk) where he proved the mind can heal the body.

In this experiment, Dr. Kaptchuk separated his patients into 2 groups. 1 of the groups took prescription medication, while the 2nd took acupuncture treatment. Half the subjects in the 1st group were reported to be sluggish, couldn’t get out of bed and were swelling up. They received ALL the side effects they were warned with.

By contrast, ALL the subjects from the 2nd group reported back with incredible results. What’s interesting to note is the pills Dr. Kaptchuk’s team handed the 1st group was actually made of corn starch, while the acupuncture was retractable shams which never pierced the skin.

One would think this is quite strange. However, the logic behind it is simple. Let me explain.

It’s known as the “placebo effect.” When he gave the 1st group of patients the anti-pain medication, he warned them they may experience certain side effects. Their subconscious mind believed this would happen, and therefore manifested into their reality.

By contrast, the 2nd group of patients were told it will cure them. They believed what was said, and therefore they manifested that reality. Quite powerful, right?


Case #2 – Other Scientists & Physicists 

Michael Talbot, in his book “The Holographic Universe,” points out scientists such as Bohr, Bohm, Pribham, and even Einstein, realise there’s powerful evidence showing the following … 

  • Everything we see and perceive is a hologram. That is, we are all in a big “maya” or illusion, and there is a quantum or non-physical realm more real than the physical realm we live in.
  • Consciousness PRECEDES matter, not the other way around … and everything exists in WAVE form and does NOT become a PARTICLE until observed. This astonishing discovery means effectively that nothing EXISTS until we observe it.
  • We create our own reality by our thoughts and belief system.
  • An atom contains the whole solar system and every one of us has the whole universe inside us.

As you can see, this isn’t made up … it’s real and constantly influencing you. In short, your thoughts determine your words, your words determine your actions, your actions determine your habits, and your habits determine your future. Be mindful of what you think!

When you have negative energy influencing you, you’ll feel emotionally drained and have more self-sabotaging thoughts. Therefore, receiving an auric clearing to cleanse yourself of this is vital. Remember, think of it like a bath or shower – you should always be cleaning yourself.

Have An Auric Clearing NOW!

Good news for you is we’ve created a quick 7 minute auric clearing! In this video, Warren uses the tri veca code to integrate the past, present and future. When the energy all becomes one, you can then easily shift the negative energy out of your body and replace it with love, positivity and abundance.

Furthermore, you can get rid of past emotions, thoughts and trauma which no longer serve you. 

When you embrace an auric clearing, and allow the energies to flow out of you, you should:

  • Feel lighter and calmer
  •  Find it easier to manifest and set intentions
  • Gain clarity on what you desire
  • Feel refreshed – similar to how you feel after a bath or shower
  • Have less negative energy, auric attachments and energetic blockages in your auric field
  • Experience more flow and inspiration in your life
  • Attract better relationships and things aligned with your frequency
  • Etc. (read about symptoms of negative energy leaving the body here)

Some of these will happen instantly, while others may take some time (or even multiple auric clearing sessions). This is because although 1 auric clearing will help you, it may take a few to shed the deeper layers and demons. Think of it like this, “new levels, new devils.”

Due to the corrupt world we live in, it’s easy to pick up auric attachments and negative energy – hence you should always be clearing your aura.


The world is full of negative energy. Most people are constantly in a state of fear, doubt, scarcity, lack, uncertainty, etc. And, whether you like it or not, the mass mind (consciousness) affects you. Therefore, always keeping your energy clean is essential – and what better way to do this than an auric clearing.

When you don’t regularly clear your aura, it’s easy to attract more negative energy and auric attachments into your life. This can be very damaging because these energetic blockages limit your growth, potential and manifestation abilities.

Furthermore, these negative influences will start to get into your head and thoughts. They will cause you to self-sabotage and constantly doubt yourself. In turn, when you constantly project bad thoughts, they will manifest into your reality.

“Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you can change your life.”

– Brian Tracy

However, when you’re regularly clearing your auric field, you’ll find life flows much easier. You’ll have more energy, motivation, love and happiness. In turn, you’ll attract better people, opportunities and events in your reality.

Keep in mind, an auric clearing isn’t a one and done type of thing. Rather, think of it like a bath or shower. It’s something you must do consistently and regularly to achieve top physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Watch our quick 7 minute auric clearing video above and notice the difference! Follow the process, allow the toxic energy to flow out of your body, and then transform it into love, positivity and abundance.

Thank you for reading!

I hope this helped you 😊

If you’re keen to cleanse auric attachments from your auric field, and know it’s a BIG problem in your life…

Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call with our team to discuss your situation, uncover the blockages or dark energies silently holding you back, and learn to breakthrough these restrictions to achieve the life you truly desire.

Click here to book your free Discovery Call.