I’m sure you’re wondering, “What are occupants?”.

Let me explain:

Occupants are a serious thing to keep an eye on because they can influence your thoughts!

They attract undesirable experiences to you such as toxic relationships.

They’re horrible entities which affect you tremendously!

So What Exactly Are Occupants?

An occupant is a soulless thoughtform that thinks it owns your body, and is affecting your growth spiritually and generally!

As soon as something negative happens in your life, sure you will inevitably have thoughts about it.

But once you start putting a lot of emotional energy and thoughts into that experience, that thought will become a thoughtform which means now you’ve created an occupant.

These entities are horrible and you desire to clear them.

How Do I Attract Occupants?

The problem with an occupant is during childhood (up to age 12), they can come attract to you during a traumatic event!

Unfortunately this means whenever you’ve created occupants, from childhood, past lives, parents etc. they don’t leave until they’re cleared.

Childhood especially is where you’re very prone to creating occupants!


This is because children pick up energy much easier than adults due to their deeper brain state!

They can also be created when you have a traumatic event and lose track of time because you’re so in shock and feeling hurt!

Interesting Fact:

An occupant highly resonates with the energy levels of trauma.

These traumas can include:

  • Abuse
  • Accidents
  • Illness
  • Stress
  • And much more!

Scary isn’t it?!

How Else Are Occupants Affecting You?

The problem with an occupant is they are thoughtforms which can sometimes have very strong magnetic fields which attracts undesirable experiences and relationships.

These thoughtform entities interfere with a more natural flow of people, places, times, things and events.

Here’s The Good Thing:

Once you clear them out, you remove their influence which then allows your experiences of people, places, times, things and events to manifest more aligned with your desires!

This is why we must clear these thoughtforms!

Here’s Something Crazy:

During periods of illness, trauma or stress, Occupants can enter a chakra in your body!

If you are unsure about chakras, click here

Now without further ado:

Here’s A General Guideline Regarding Occupant Blockages In Your Chakras:

1st Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold sex and survival issues. The issues here are sexual addictions, gender identification, and lastly, the fear of death (non-survival), which is the root of all fears, which affect this chakra.

2nd Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold issues related to pain and suffering.

3rd Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold power/dominance/control and self-esteem issues (victimization, subjugation, blame).

4th Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold heartbreak and affect one’s ability to cultivate unconditional love or self-love.

5th Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold spoken or unspoken issues like not telling the truth, or using the power of the word for deception or manipulation.

6th Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold insanity or obsession of analogical experiences and represent clarity/confusion issues.

7th Chakra:

Occupants in this chakra hold God concepts, i.e. “God is a tyrant/god is benevolent”.

In Conclusion

An occupant is a soulless thoughtform that thinks it owns your body.

Occupants are created during traumatic events such as:

  • Abuse 
  • Accidents
  • Illness
  • Stress
  • Or much more!

Occupants have very strong magnetic fields which can attract you undesirable experiences or relationships.

In serious cases, they can even enter a chakra!

Once occupants are cleared out, their influence is also removed and your experience with people, places, times, things and events, etc manifest more aligned with your desires!

We are unconsciously being affected everyday by these soulless thoughtform entities because they resonate with the frequency of the attitude or trauma (abuse, accidents, illness, stress, etc.)

Once we’ve removed occupants, our life flows and we attract much better experiences and relationships, plus, things will manifest much more aligned with our desires!

In fact, to help you get started, we’ve got a free auric clearing for you which’ll clear your energy field, occupants and much more!

Click below to watch.

If you’re keen to transmute any occupants in your auric field, and know it’s a BIG problem in your life…

Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call with our team to discuss your situation, uncover the blockages or dark energies silently holding you back, and learn to breakthrough these restrictions to achieve the life you truly desire.

Click here to book your free Discovery Call.