Energy is all around you – positive and negative. It’s in people, places, plants, animals, etc. And truthfully, it’s constantly influencing and affecting your life, decisions and actions – for better or worse. Knowing how to attract positive energy as opposed to negative is crucial if you desire happiness and fulfilment.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality … This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

– Albert Einstein

In this guide, I’ll be sharing:

– What negative energy does to you (physically, mentally and emotionally) – and why you must clear it from your body

– 6 signs of negative energy in your body

– What happens if you don’t regularly clear yourself

– How to clear negative energy

– Symptoms of negative energy leaving the body

– Conclusion

What Negative Energy Does To You – And Why You Must Clear It From Your Body

Before we get into the impact of negative energy, it’s good to know energy is contagious. Meaning, you’re constantly exchanging energies with those you interact with, the places you visit, and whatever you focus on. Furthermore, the more sensitive and empathetic you are, you’re likely to take on the burdens and negative energy of others.

This can lead to a whole lot of challenges and possibilities. Some of these include:

  • Feeling lethargic, bored, unmotivated, depressed, anxious or stressed
  • Experiencing problems with your physical health
  • Attracting toxic people and events into your life
  • Complaining and acting bitter more often
  • Develop a victim mindset (Read the Drama Triangle for more knowledge on this)
  • Seeing the world in a negative perspective
  • Feeling like you’ve lost your sense of freedom and direction
  • Etc.

Logically, the more negative energy you have in your life … the less happiness you’ll experience. Conversely, the more positive energy you have in your life … the more happiness you’ll experience. Therefore, clearing all the toxicity in your life is essential.

When you attract negative energy in your life, you’ll first experience internal challenges and energetic blockages. Next, when more negative energy enters your body, it’ll manifest into your reality. i.e. You’ll experience physical hardships such as possible illnesses, financial losses, toxic relationships, etc.

If you’ve suffered from trauma, depression or self-harm, you’re more susceptible to having negative energy because you attract them easier in a vulnerable state. When you attract them, your thoughts can easily be influenced, and therefore can lead to bad or even harmful decisions. (Read: How Negative Energies Can Influence Your Thoughts).

Making sure you don’t have negative energy influencing and controlling your life is, obviously, important. So … let’s look at some of the signs you have may have it.

6 Signs Of Negative Energy In Your Body

  • Criticizing and constantly judging people

Everything you see is a reflection of your inner world. It’s just a hologram. So, when you’re judging people around you, you’re feeding yourself with negative emotions and energy. Transforming this into the feeling of acceptance is imperative.

Everyone is at a different stage in a life. If you can’t accept that, then just avoid being around that person. Have a no toxic energy policy around you and your energy field.

  • Toxic relationships

Another sign you have negative energy in your body is if you’re surrounded by a toxic people. That is, people who energetically drain you. They’re people who like to control you instead of lifting you up.

  • You wake up unmotivated

When you have negative energy in your body, it’s difficult to focus, stay motivated, and remain disciplined. It feels as if you have to force yourself to push through your distracted mind. Conversely, when you’re filled with positive energy, everything seems to flow easily and you wake up feeling inspired.

  • Complain about life

This is a good sign you have negative energy in your body. If you always play the victim, blame the world for your problems, and complain, it’s only going to get worse unless you change something. When you do this, you find it hard to find the positivity in anything – and therefore will lead to you building up more negative energy.

“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein
  • Don’t have a sense of freedom

When you have negative energy in your body, it’s easy for you to be influenced and controlled by people, media and authorities. You won’t have a sense of freedom nor independence. This isn’t the best situation because you won’t be living true to who you are and in turn you’ll find it more difficult to attract what you desire.

  • Constantly experiencing “bad luck”

The last sign I would like to share is you constantly experience “bad luck.” Whether you always seem to lose your money, have a physical illness, or negative people around you … these are signs you have negative energy in your body.

Read more about what weakens your aura here.

­­What Happens If You Don’t Clear Yourself Regularly

signs of negative energy

Let me ask you something … “what happens when you don’t maintain proper hygiene and health?” What happens to your body? Well, obviously you’re going to face challenges. The longer you go without a bath/shower, brushing your teeth, eating and drinking well, and exercising, the more your overall health will decline.

Likewise, how much more is it if you get complacent with your mental, emotional and spiritual health?

Truth is, the damages can be severe and take a while to fix. That is, unless you regularly heal and clear yourself of negative energy. If you want to manifest perfect health you must not only work on your physical health, but also your spiritual health.

“You attract what you are, and not what you want.” If you emit negative energy to the universe, your reality will reflect that. Not only will you experience internal challenges – you’ll also get challenged in the 3D world. i.e. Potential financial struggles, health woes, toxic relationships or in some other form.

No one wants to struggle. However, if you don’t discipline yourself to heal and grow, would you expect to be rewarded? The answer is no. Would you reward your child if they hung out with the wrong crowd, and started following their footsteps? Obviously you would be mortified, right?

So … it’s important you regularly clear negative energy from your body. If you’re unsure how to do this, don’t stress because I’ll show you how to do so. There’s also an abundance of guides all over the internet to help you.

How To Clear Negative Energy

Clearing negative energy from yourself isn’t a one and done kind of thing. It shares the same principles as building up your physical health and strength. That is, being strict, disciplined and consistent.

As I’ve mentioned before, you’re constantly exchanging energies wherever you go. You’ll even pick up negative energy from others although you may not be aware of it. Therefore, clearing yourself and knowing how to heal your aura will really benefit you.

Let’s look at 5 ways you can clear negative energy from your body (in no particular order).

1. Transform negative energy into positive energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another.”

– Albert Einstein

“Everything is energy and energy can be transformed.”

– Raymon Grace

The first method of clearing negative energy is to simply transform it to positive energy. To do this, close your eyes and visualize (imagine) a black tornado spinning anti-clockwise, and taking all the negative energy out of your body.

Once you do this for roughly 30-60 seconds, imagine a golden tornado spinning clockwise, and filling your body with positive, harmonious and loving energy. You can then speak positive law of attraction health affirmations over yourself if you feel to. Remember, the light will always prevail over darkness.

2. Use nature to ground and cleanse you

A walk in nature or a swim in the ocean allows you to become one with the earth. It helps you to relax, calm down and recalibrate. Furthermore, it allows you to feel renewed. Therefore, I would highly recommend you to utilize nature.

Read our, “Spiritual Benefits and Wonders of Walking in Nature” article.

3. Openly express yourself

When you express yourself, this allows you to release suppressed emotions within you. If you find it difficult telling people openly how you feel, do it slowly. You can start by journaling, painting, drawing, singing, playing music or another form of creative expression.

Expressing your emotions is very cathartic. It helps you to get rid of negative energy. If you don’t express yourself, you’ll accumulate a lot of energy until it is somehow released from your body.

4. Take a break from the world, relax and breathe

Another great method to clear yourself of negative energy is to take a break from all of life’s distractions. We’re always worrying about bills, social media and other influences … and taking a break from all this will help you gain peace of mind and clarity.

Find a time in the day, even if it’s just 10-15 minutes, to rest, meditate or relax. Taking deep breaths and exhales will help your body to calm down and go into a deeper state. When this happens, you’ll find it easier to remove negative energy from your body.

5. Get a negative energy clearing from a professional

If everything has resonated with you, getting help from someone who’s experienced in this area will greatly benefit you. We go into detail and follow a precise process to shift your negative energy.

You can contact us at if you have any questions.

We also have plenty of courses available on our free membership site which have proven to get phenomenal results for our clients. We’ve witnessed people transform their negative energy, a physical problem instantly being healed, money being manifested, and a lot more!

Check out our manifestation course and a whole lot of others on our site!

Symptoms Of Negative Energy Leaving The Body

negative energy in your body

A commonly asked question is, “what are the symptoms of negative energy leaving the body?” And it’s a good question! So, let me answer this for you.

There’s multiple signs to look out for. Some of these include:

  • Toxic people fall out of your life

“You can’t change the people around you but you can change the people around you.”

– Unknown

Although you can’t change the people around you, you can certainly change who you hang out with. When negative energy leaves your body, you’ll lose interest in connecting with those who have low energy. It’s inevitable.

One way or another, those people who don’t serve you will fall out of your life. Instead, you’ll attract healthy relationships in your life. Therefore, look out for the people around you, and if they change.

  • You feel inspired and motivated

The more positive energy you have … the more inspired, motivated and happy you feel. You’ll spontaneously start to feel more motivated to do things which you otherwise wouldn’t. Reason being, when you have more positive energy in your body, you feel like there’s a purpose and meaning in your life. To achieve that purpose, you must do something.

“Do nothing and nothing will happen. Do something and something will happen. The future is yours, do something about it!”

– Raymon Grace
  • You’ll feel more calm and grounded

When you accumulate a lot of negative energy in your body, your mind is scattered, distracted and busy. Conversely, when you have transform that to positive energy, your mind is peaceful, calm and sound. 

As a result, you’ll be able to accomplish more. Your creativity will flourish. Therefore, look out for this sign.

  • Your life seems to flow better

The first symptom of negative energy leaving the body is your life seems to flow easier. That is, things “coincidentally” start to go your way. For example, you may feel like work is better, business opportunities come your way, health suddenly starts flourishing, you attract good friends and acquaintances, etc.

You attract what you are (not what you want). Therefore, when negative energy leaves your body, you’ll manifest things aligned with your higher frequency.


Energy is contagious. Meaning, you’re constantly exchanging energies with those you interact with, the places you visit, and whatever you focus on. Furthermore, the more sensitive and empathetic you are, you’re likely to take on the burdens and negative energy of others.

In a world where fear, greed, selfishness and such negativity prevail, it’s easy to pick up on those energies. Therefore, knowing how to clear it from your body is essential to live a fulfilling life.

Think of this like your physical. If you stop cleaning yourself regularly, your overall health will decline. Likewise, when you stop energetically clearing yourself, your spiritual health will suffer. As a result, what started as internal challenges will manifest into your reality.

There’s 5 ways you can clear negative energy. They are (no particular order):

1. Transform negative energy to positive energy

2. Use nature to ground and cleanse yourself

3. Openly express yourself

4. Take a break from the world, relax and breathe

5. Get a negative energy clearing from a professional

Once you clear yourself, look out for the symptoms of negative energy leaving the body.

As a reminder, the signs and symptoms are:

  • Toxic people fall out of your life
  • You feel inspired and motivated
  • You’ll feel more calm and grounded
  • Your life seems to flow better

Thank you for reading!

I hope this helped you!

If you’re keen to clear any negative energy weighing you down, and know it’s a BIG problem in your life…

Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call with our team to discuss your situation, uncover the blockages or dark energies silently holding you back, and learn to breakthrough these restrictions to achieve the life you truly desire.

Click here to book your free Discovery Call.